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Купить книгу О размышлении, автора святого Бернарда Клервоского
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О размышлении
Книгу святой Бернард Клервоский (1090–1153), выдающийся богослов, церковный деятель и миротворец, относил к числу своих главных сочинений. Он адресовал ее собрату-цистерцианцу, вопреки ожиданиям ставшему Папой Евгением III. Но размышления автора могут помочь найти духовные ориентиры и современному человеку. Перевод этого труда на русский язык выполнен впервые.
Купить книгу Туринская плащаница: вопрос остается открытым, автора Джованни Новелли
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Туринская плащаница: вопрос остается открытым
Объект, который современная наука несмотря на некоторые противоречия пытается определить сегодня как немого свидетеля последнего акта земной жизни Иисуса – а именно, Туринскую Плащаницу, – некоторые без колебаний называют «Пятым Евангелием».
Купить книгу Первое житие святого Антония Падуанского, называемое также «Легенда Assidua», автора Анонимного автора
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Первое житие святого Антония Падуанского, называемое также «Легенда Assidua»
С радостью представляю выдающийся литературный памятник, которым московское Издательство Францисканцев открывает новую серию публикаций, объединенных темой "Францисканская агиография".
Купить книгу Святой Антоний Падуанский, автора Вильгельма Хунермана
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Святой Антоний Падуанский
В книге Вильгельма Хунермана читатели найдут увлекательное и живое повествование об Антонии Падуанском – одном из самых любимых и почитаемых святых, покровителе тех, кто утратил веру, радость или какие-либо материальные вещи и хочет их вновь обрести. Святой Антоний – прославленный чудотворец, вдохновенный ученик Христа, современник и последователь святого Франциска Ассизского.
Купить книгу Тень отца, автора Яна Добрачиньского
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Тень отца
В одном из самых известных романов знаменитого польского писателя Яна Добрачиньского (1910–1994) центральное место занимает Иосиф, опекун Святого Семейства. Его тихая, уединенная жизнь в Вифлееме внезапно меняется, и начинается нелегкое испытание для его послушания Богу, полное сомнений и опасностей. Герою приходится понять и принять свое призвание – быть тенью Настоящего Отца и защитником Иисуса и Мириам.
Купить книгу Обоснование непостижимого, автора Иммануила Кант
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Обоснование непостижимого
Что такое вера? Только лишь то, что мы ощущаем душой, интуитивно, но не можем доказать? Или вера в высшую сущность может быть основана на знании? Классик философской мысли великий Иммануил Кант взялся за сложнейшую задачу: доказать путем логических рассуждений, что Бог существует. Без разумного созидательного начала природа не могла бы иметь столь совершенное устройство, уверен философ. Он не просто доказывает – он приглашает к размышлению читателя. И по прошествии более чем двухсот пятидесяти лет эта работа Канта не перестает вызывать интерес. В данном издании она публикуется полностью.
Купить книгу The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Zoroastrianism, автора Michael  Stausberg
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Zoroastrianism
This is the first ever comprehensive English-language survey of Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest living religions Evenly divided into five thematic sections beginning with an introduction to Zoroaster/Zarathustra and concluding with the intersections of Zoroastrianism and other religions Reflects the global nature of Zoroastrian studies with contributions from 34 international authorities from 10 countries Presents Zoroastrianism as a cluster of dynamic historical and contextualized phenomena, reflecting the current trend to move away from textual essentialism in the study of religion
Купить книгу 50 Great Myths About Religions, автора John  Morreall
50 Great Myths About Religions
50 Great Myths about Religions is an intriguing, informative, and often humorous introduction to some of the long standing myths that surround religious belief. This engaging book will get its readers thinking about how and why certain myths have arisen, and their continuing influence on our personal and collective view of religion. Offers a lively, informative, and thought-provoking introduction to some of the common misbeliefs surrounding religions Discusses myths about religious belief in general, as well as specific ideas that surround Judaism, Christianity, Islam, atheism, and agnosticism Covers a wide range of myths, from ancient legends such as the Bible forbidding pork being eaten because it causes illness, to modern urban fables, such as Barack Obama being a Muslim Unpacks each myth in turn, explaining why it arose, how it spread, and why the beliefs that stem from it are questionable Includes a fascinating discussion about human nature, and the main characteristics that predispose us to create and circulate myths to begin with Underpinned by a wide knowledge of academic research, it is written by two respected religion scholars and experienced authors
Купить книгу Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions, автора
Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions
Written by top practitioner-scholars who bring a critical yet empathetic eye to the topic, this textbook provides a comprehensive look at peace and violence in seven world religions. Offers a clear and systematic narrative with coverage of Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Native American religions Introduces a different religion and its sacred texts in each chapter; discusses ideas of peace, war, nonviolence, and permissible violence; recounts historical responses to violence; and highlights individuals within the tradition working toward peace and justice Examines concepts within their religious context for a better understanding of the values, motivations, and ethics involved Includes student-friendly pedagogical features, such as enriching end-of-chapter critiques by practitioners of other traditions, definitions of key terms, discussion questions, and further reading sections
Купить книгу Cults and New Religions. A Brief History, автора
Cults and New Religions. A Brief History
This unparalleled introduction to cults and new religious movements has been completely up-dated and expanded to reflect the latest developments; each chapter reviews the origins, leaders, beliefs, rituals and practices of a NRM, highlighting the specific controversies surrounding each group. A fully updated, revised and expanded edition of an unparalleled introduction to cults and new religious movements Profiles a number of the most visible, significant, and controversial new religious movements, presenting each group’s history, doctrines, rituals, leadership, and organization Offers a discussion of the major controversies in which new religious movements have been involved, using each profiled group to illustrate the nature of one of those controversies Covers debates including what constitutes an authentic religion, the validity of claims of brainwashing techniques, the implications of experimentation with unconventional sexual practices, and the deeply rooted cultural fears that cults engender New sections include methods of studying new religions in each chapter as well as presentations on ‘groups to watch’
Купить книгу Introducing Contemplative Studies, автора Louis  Komjathy
Introducing Contemplative Studies
The first book-length introduction to an exciting new interdisciplinary field—written by an internationally recognized leader of the Contemplative Studies movement This is the first book-length introduction to a growing and influential interdisciplinary field focused on contemplative practice, contemplative experience, and contemplative pedagogy. Written by an internationally recognized leader in the area, Introducing Contemplative Studies seeks to provide readers with a deep and practical understanding of the nature and purpose of the field while encouraging them to find a place of their own in an increasingly widespread movement. At once comprehensive overview, critical reflection, and visionary proposal, the book explores the central approaches and issues in Contemplative Studies, tackles questions and problems that sometimes go unaddressed, and identifies promising new developments. The author also discusses contemplative pedagogy, an experiential approach to teaching and learning informed by and expressed as contemplative practice. This is a major introduction to a fast emerging interdisciplinary field that will be invaluable to those interested in the area. The only comprehensive introduction to the emerging, interdisciplinary field of Contemplative Studies Written by a distinguished leader in the Contemplative Studies movement who is founding Co-Chair of the Contemplative Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion Informed by ten years of research and practice, the book explores the field’s varied approaches and expressions Offers critical reviews of trends which will create discussions both within and outside the Contemplative Studies Liberally illustrated with both images and charts Introducing Contemplative Studies is a must-read for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and scholars in Contemplative Studies, as well as anyone who is curious about contemplative practice, meditation, contemplative experience, contemplative pedagogy, contemplative science, and, of course, the exciting field of Contemplative Studies generally.
Купить книгу The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Chinese Religions, автора
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Chinese Religions
Comprising the most up-to-date, interdisciplinary research on the study of Chinese religious beliefs and cultural practices, this volume explores the rich and complex religious and philosophical traditions that have developed and flourished in one of the world's oldest civilizations. Covers the main Chinese traditions of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism as well as Christianity and Islam Features a unique organizational structure, with groups of readings focused on historical, traditions-based, and topical elements of Chinese religion Explores a number of contemporary religious topics, including gender, nature, asceticism, material culture, and gods and spirits Brings together a team of authors who are experts in their sub-fields, providing readers with the latest research in a rapidly growing discipline